A Legitimate List of Questions I Have…
for Racists, Homophobes &/or Flat-Earthers
I’ve compiled a list of several, actual legitimate questions I have for people who continue to espouse what probably 95% of the world would consider bigotry and anti-intellectualism. Granted, I recognize that there’s practically no way to reason hatred and stupidity out of people. Plenty of scientific studies and psychologists continue to reveal why it is challenging, if not almost (but not completely) to change someone’s mind.
In my mind, I vacillate between whether engaging in discussions with these types of people are helpful or simply legitimizes their point of view. The problem is, often both sides are coming into any discussion seeking to show why the other side is wrong (let’s be clear, in this instance, one side definitely is) and trying to fix the other side’s point of view, which more often than not just makes both sides double down harder.
But at this moment in time, I feel more prone to engage in discussion. So I created this list of questions that seeks to cut through all the intellectual posturing and frustration, instead getting to the core of why this is such a major issue for these types of people. Feel free to borrow or ask some (or all) of these questions should you ever find yourself speaking to a racist, homophobe or Flat-Earther.
Like seriously, why?
Is there nothing more exciting or noteworthy happening in your life that you need to be doing this right now?
Is this really a big deal to you? Why? What makes this such a big deal? Why does this matter so much to you?
Where does this come from? What makes you so sure?
Is your life going to be ruined if this thing you believe/feel is not true?
What makes what you say/feel of benefit to all of society?
What do you personally have invested in this? What attaches you to this issue?
Do you feel like this issue/conflict defines who you are as a person?
Do you feel like this issue/conflict is central to the core of your being? Like, if this issue didn’t exist, do you feel like you’d be a different person?
If this issue didn’t exist, what would you be doing instead?
Why is this such a major, perhaps the core issue that takes up the majority of your time instead of something like world hunger, feeding the homeless, wounded veterans, etc?
It doesn’t bother you that more than half the planet believes the exact opposite? Does it bother you that it’s 2018 and most people either don’t seem to care or have moved on?
Do you feel there is anything in this vast and wondrous world that would change your mind? Why?
And just one more time for clarification, why?
I’ve asked other questions before too, except a little more hostile towards those who support the two major political parties in the United States. If you’d like, you can read them too.